RADAR ALERT: July 19 Hearings Not Yet Finalized, Call Sen. Specter's Office Today

The list of persons who will be speaking at the July 19, 2005 Senate hearing on VAWA is still in limbo. We have an important opportunity to assure the truth is heard next Tuesday.

The staffer who is arranging the hearings is Mr. Brett Tolman in Senator Specter's office.

Click "Read more..." for more.

July 19 Hearings Not Yet Finalized, Call Sen. Specter's Office Today

Please call Mr. Tolman TODAY at this number: 202-224-4254.

Explain to him that it is important that the Senators hear all sides of the issue. Request that the hearings include:

1. A male victim of DV who was refused service by a VAWA-funded program, AND

2. Murray Straus, Ph.D. (University of New Hampshire Family Research Laboratory) or Richard Gelles, Ph.D. (University of Pennsylvania), both recognized experts in family violence

REMEMBER: Be courteous and objective in your conversation.
Timing is all important. Do this TODAY.

The number to call is: 202-224-4254.


Date of RADAR Release: July 12, 2005

To track the current status of VAWA, go to http://thomas.loc.gov/ and enter the bill number: Senate bill S. 1197; House of Representatives bill H.R. 2876.

Come to Washington DC on July 15 and join the national effort to lobby your elected officials about VAWA. See http://www.trueequality.com/index2.php for more details.

To receive RADAR Alerts, press releases, and other special announcements, sign up for the RADAR E-lert. You can sign up for the E-lert on the RADAR home page at http://www.mediaradar.org/.

Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting (RADAR) is a coalition of men and women working to assure media balance and accuracy in coverage of the domestic violence issue. More information can be found at http://www.mediaradar.org/

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