Online Petition to Joseph Biden to Fix VAWA

Stanley B. Gaver writes "I've always been skeptical about the effectiveness of online petitions. However, after writing a pointed letter to Senator Joseph Biden about VAWA, I didn't feel that it was sufficient only to write a letter that would likely be ignored by Biden anyway.

VAWA is such an incredibly biased and bigoted law, I think that it's time to turn up the heat on "VAWA Joe", using any legitimate avenue available. I have created a petition on PetitionOnline that summarizes why VAWA is such a bad law and requests Biden to make it gender neutral."

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I think the petition makes a pretty strong case. Please take a moment and sign it. Once complete, I will deliver it to Biden's office.

To: Senator Joseph Biden

Dear Senator Biden,

Please reconsider your well-meaning but misguided support for the Violence Against Women Act. This law does not promote justice; it promotes hatred of men, and discriminates against men. Please make VAWA gender neutral.

The Violence Against Women Act is the most blatantly discriminatory law passed by the United States Congress in more than a century. The law is based, not on fact, but on gender prejudice, and it denies much-needed services to an entire class of American citizens, based only on their sex – because they are men!

Far from being a fair and just law, VAWA spreads hate and anti-male bigotry by promoting a provably false and one-sided gender stereotype of “violent men hurting innocent women”. The law advances a misleading, sugar-and-spice depiction of domestic violence that denies the female role in intimate violence and completely ignores half of domestic violence victims – because they are male!

VAWA is undeniably discriminatory. Even its name attests to this fact.

VAWA is provably a lie. There are hundreds of legitimate studies, many sponsored by the federal government, that conclusively show that the majority of domestic violence is perpetuated, not by men, but by women!

Don’t believe it? Before you hold your hearings to extend VAWA, you may wish to take time to read the National Family Violence Surveys of 1975 and 1985. These two federally-sponsored studies were the first to conclusively reveal the predominant female role in domestic violence. These pioneering studies have been validated over the past 30 years by hundreds of other studies that have all arrived at the same counter-intuitive, but undeniable conclusion:

Women are at least as violent as men in intimate relationships.

You might want to do some reading. A suggestion: “When She Was Bad – Violent Women and the Myth of Innocence”, written by Patricia Pearson, a self-described feminist. A single paragraph from this book perfectly summarizes the truth that The National Organization of Women and other gender extremists wish to keep hidden from you:

“Women commit the majority of child homicides in the United States, a greater share of physical child abuse, an equal rate of sibling violence and assaults on the elderly, about a quarter of child sexual abuse, an overwhelming share of the killings of newborns, and a fair preponderance of spousal assaults.”

Any hearings that you sponsor to contemplate extending the Violence Against Women Act that fail to include the results of these many scientific studies or that refuse to consider the many male victims of female violence cannot possibly be fair or just.

Senator Biden, with all due respect, the facts simply are not on your side.

History will ultimately show that, with your active support and assistance, the United States Congress, in passing the Violence Against Women Act, enshrined into American law an Act that shares the same ideological parents as the Nuremberg Laws of Nazi Germany: hate and prejudice.

This law is not worthy of a nation that needs to present itself to the rest of the world as a “fair and just democracy”.

Please reconsider your ill-advised, discriminatory support for the Violence Against Women Act. Please make this law fair and just. Please show us that your male constituents deserve equal protection under the law.

Please make the Violence Against Women Act gender neutral.


The Undersigned"

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