Purell Denigrates Men
Jeffrey Asher writes "[Regarding] Purell Sanitizers:
Purell’s television advertisement, “You can’t touch this,” has alerted the world to the primary infection vector: men.
Purell shows a man leaving the washroom without washing his hands; a boy in daycare dribbling nasal mucous on a ball; and an obese man sneezing explosively on supermarket shelves and a shopping basket. The victims of such masculine slovenliness and irresponsibility are all female.
Click "Read more..." for more.
When may the public expect to see Purell broadcast a similar advertisement showing females as slovenly and males as their victims? If Purell will not run such and advertisement, then its message is clearly misandric.
Purell may rest assured that this man, and every other fair-minded woman and man I may persuade, will not buy your products for at least five years. I will attempt to bring Purell’s demeaning message about males to every forum I can."
Ed. note: Purell is owned by Pfizer, whose contact form is here.
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