More on the Baby Bust

Here's more info and commentary on the growing baby bust in developed nations. The writer comments that women are having fewer children because: "Women are putting off childbirth, either for financial reasons or because they want to establish their careers first. High house prices have made it impossible for many couples of child-bearing age to afford a home large enough in which to bring up a family." In typical fashion, the author doesn't mention the wide scale destruction of male-female relations as a direct result of feminism. He also avoids mention of any male-specific reasons for avoiding parenthood. The explosion in divorce rates, the systematic separation of many fathers from their children, the high rate of paternity fraud, the financial exploitation of fathers after divorce, and the associated and growing marriage strike (which may well be occuring in Australia as it is in the US) fail to warrent his attention.

Please see "Read More."There are a few problems with the article's analysis. First of all, men's specific needs must be addressed in any honest attempt to solve the soon-to-be devastating aging and collapse of populations. Second, proposed solutions involve greater government intrusion into the family. Third, a bonus of £3,000 to new parents might encourage poor couples to have a child that they otherwise wouldn't have, if only to get a desperately needed short-term financial boost. But I suspect that few solidly middle class and wealthy couples will have children that they otherwise wouldn't have, just to get the £3,000. As a result, there will probably be a further drain on government finances (such as welfare payments), which are already approaching collapse due to increasing inability to make transfer payments, such as Social Security in the US. And this approaching collapse is a direct result of the baby bust. We may already be caught in a dangerous positive feedback loop.

Such proposals ask the government to do too little too late and show no awareness of the specific concerns of men, who are, after all, potential parents.

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