The MIO DAHM matching funds challenge
mens_issues writes "The Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men (DAHM) needs your help! So far people have been generous enough to donate $805 towards roofing materials for the shelter (this is for the rebuilt second floor) before winter sets in. Without a roof it will be very difficult to keep snow, ice, and sleet from damaging the inside of this newly built apartment. This will be used to house male DV victims (and their children)when ready.
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Also the downstairs is ready for sheet rock and could be usable later this winter if there is a roof on the second floor. However, the total need is about $4,500. So, in order to raise more money, I'm willing to match donations from others up to $500.
You can contribute to DAHM through PayPal at:
Or send a check to:
Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men
P.O. Box 252
Harmony, ME 04942"
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