Foley's "Girls Rule" shirt in advertisement

mens_issues writes "Foley's has just sent me an advertisement with a picture of a smiling young girl wearing a "Girls Rule" shirt."

Please see my e-mail to them under Read More/Post Comments
Here is my email to them:

"Several months ago I had expressed concern over a mannequin commercial in which an animated female mannequin hit a male mannequin over the head with her purse. Fortunately, I received an apology for this from Foley's, and the commercials were discontinued. Following this, I opened a Foley's account, which I now use.

Therefore, I was disappointed to see what I feel is an inappropriate piece of merchandise in your latest advertisement. This shows a smiling young girl wearing a gray "Girls Rule" shirt.

To say that "girls rule" emphasizes the purported superiority of girls over boys - whether the boys agree or not. Such statements are, in my view, contrary to Foley's policy of non-discrimination; it is therefore disappointing to see such language used.

Please consider the impact on family violence when a generation that has been told that "girls rule" for years comes to maturity. This will, at best, create tension rather than harmony between the sexes; domestic violence may even worsen. Surely, Foley's does not want to contribute to this scenario.

I would urge Foley's to discontinue such merchandise as soon as possible."

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