A critique of the modern world
Anonymous User writes "Here is an interesting essay
on the 1970's post-apocalyptic film Logans Run. The author takes the reader through the story line of Logans Run and analyzes its Freudian/Jungian meanings, especially in relation to the 60's generation that the film was aimed at.
The author sees Logans Run as a critque of the feminist dominated post 60's era, which over-protects and controls people, while also imprisoning them in a neurotic pleasure seeking consumerism, where masculinity and the realities of life are kept from them. The author sees the film suggesting that the weakness of the modern paternal role combined with the overpowering strength of the maternal/feminist role is the primary cause of this situation.
These findings could never be more relevant than today, with childern of dysfunctional families without a strong paternal presence falling deeper into a false pleasure-seeking neurosis comprised of over-eating, isolationism, TV, computers, drugs and suicide."
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