Ask Marilyn column on male bashing
mens_issues writes "I normally don't get the Denver Post, but the Sunday paper was being offered for free at the local supermarket today. In the Parade Magazine section, I found this in the Ask Marilyn column:
Why do so many women complain so much about men? It seems to go on 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This just blows my mind! David Alston, Silver Spring, Md.
Please click on "Read More" for Marilyn's reply."
Marilyn vos Savant replied:
It's everywhere these days, isn't it? I think that a teensy bit of jealousy may reside at the heart of the matter (along with some other stuff, of course). Men seem to have it all - with the exception of things like enough hair - and this rankles many women, expecially those who believe that some men abuse their positions. P.S. I'm bracing myself for an onslaught of mail, David. Sometimes it's easy to be honest, and sometimes it's not!
So what do you think? At least Marilyn was brave enough to call women on being jealous, as well as using the phrase "Men SEEM to have it all" and "This rankles many women, especially those who BELIEVE that some men abuse their positions."
Perhaps we could email Marilyn and inform her more of our perspective, though I'd like to thank her for at least not reflexively bashing men. Well, she does have the world's highest recorded IQ - it's nice that a woman with such intelligence is able to at least see part of what is going on.
Her site can be found
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