Wil Hetherington Up For Parole?

Luek writes "Please take a little time out of you day to send some kind of letter of support for Mr. Hetherington. Thanks!

From: QT - Joe O'Connor
To: QT topic subscribers

Reply by email or visit here I just received a letter from Wil stating that he's coming up for
parole soon and that he needs as many letters as possible to the parole board asking for his release.

The address is:

Michigan Parole Board
c/o Executive Secretary
P.O. Box 30003
Lansing, MI 48909

Wil says he would like everyone sending out a letter to make 2
copies for him and send them to his address. He would also like a copy, if possible of the response the parole board mails out.

His current address is below:

William J. Hetherington #186155
1790 E. Parnall Road
Jackson, MI 49201-7139

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