We’re getting the ‘manosphere’ all wrong – and here’s why

Article here. Excerpt:

'We have to examine why the manosphere’s predominantly young male audience is engaging with its content, what about it connects with them, and how it works. We must look beyond the noise and disregard our own reactions to truly grasp its power.

Boys and young men today feel ostracised by what they see as the dominant conversations in society. They find themselves problematised in gender narratives, framed as perpetrators of problematic behaviour, and portrayed as potential aggressors – before they have so much as made friends with a girl.

They’ve fallen behind their female classmates at school. They’re socially isolated – spending increasing amounts of time online, alone in their rooms. They’re prey to unrealistic body image standards, perpetuated by fitness influencers and a whole host of brand and media content (have you noticed how every topless man in a Netflix drama has a six-pack, even if they live in the 17th century?). In effect, boys and young men find themselves removed from society, struggling to meet impossible standards, excluded from the conversation, and failing fast.'

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