Why Black Women Cannot Let Mediocre White Men Win

Article here. Excerpt:

'You see, the mediocre white man is a figure that we, as Black women, have had to contend with all of our lives. No matter how qualified I am for a job, white men have told me to my face that I only got the role because I’m Black and a woman.

“You're just a DEI hire” are words I have often heard.

They’ve refused to acknowledge or accept that I am the best-qualified person for the job. Many Black women will tell you they’ve had a similar experience.
They conveniently associate DEI with incompetence, corruption, and unethical behaviors. Non-DEI, aka white men, no matter how unqualified they are, are associated with competence, non-corrupt and ethical behaviors. Excuse me; we must not be talking about Trump himself, Pete Hegseth, JD Vance, and a host of other white men who have been elevated into positions of power within this administration.

The mediocre white man hates the competent Black woman because she is everything that he is not. She is hardworking while he is lazy, and she is professional while he is sloppy. She speaks out and is courageous, while he constantly whines and is a coward.'

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It's not gonna work, if that's how you frame it. You're outmanned (literally), outgunned (figuratively) and outclassed (by your own definitions). Just how you personally expect to "win" taking on the entire white male population of the US, I dunno.

But a girl can dream, can't she? Too bad she can't dream of "beating" white men by upping her game instead of hurling insults.

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