The cost to women of the overlooked rise of Kenya’s manosphere

Article here. Excerpt:

'As the co-founder and executive director of Usikimye, a non-profit in the Kenyan capital of Nairobi that works with women – and some men – who are experiencing sexual and gender-based violence at home, Migwi said that the woman “couldn’t put her finger on what was changing” in her relationship with her husband at first, but soon thought she figured it out. The man had for months been consuming content by Kenya’s most prominent “masculinity influencers,” who lead Kenya’s arm of the more global “manosphere” — where content is put out across websites, blogs and social media accounts promoting a certain lifestyle, focused on masculinity and opposing feminism — which she believes changed his views towards her.'

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Andrew Tate and men like him are said to comprise "the Manosphere". They don't comprise the MRM, however. Not even close. (I conjecture that the "Manosphere" exists because the MRM and men's issues get little or no attention; it's a response to men's interests not getting any attention.)

One thing this article points to though: men waking up to what's happening to them. But I'd say how some are reacting to it isn't too constructive.

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