Should parents of boys set aside the topic of toxic masculinity? This author thinks so

Article here. Excerpt:

'As a feminist, Whippman said she found the #MeToo movement energizing and validating. "It was like, finally, women had a voice. We were allowed to call out this kind of bad behaviour that we all knew about and we were all aware of, but … we didn't have the social permission or the vocabulary to call it out."

"But I think as a mother of boys, I just felt very conflicted and defensive," she said. "It was like, everyone's talking about this gender as if they're the enemy and they're harmful and they're terrible. But these are my children they're talking about."

That got her wondering, she said, if instead of striving to define positive versus toxic masculinity, parents should focus on simply raising good people — regardless of gender.'

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Did the person that posted this actually read the entire article? Except for the first couple of paragraphs it was just more of the SOS about how males need to be saved from themselves.

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Why indeed? There are a wide variety of opinions these days re men and boys and "what do we do with them"? Masculinity is under attack but also under scrutiny. Different authors have different opinions. Here on MANN, at times I'll post an item like this one so people can see what others are saying about men/boys/masculinity even if what they're writing is far from flattering. In essence, as MRAs, I think we need to know what feminists are saying/writing about males in order to take on and challenge their various arguments. Know thyself, know thy enemy.

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