UK: The police can’t be impartial while discriminating against white men

Article here. Excerpt:

'Frontline police officers and detectives routinely show courage when confronting the violent, dangerous and heinous. So you’d think police chiefs might be willing to really ask themselves whether their force is as impartial as many of them claim.

Putting aside relatively complex operational matters, such as the policing of protests and the response to crime itself, perhaps we can just examine the track record of the administration in some forces.

In just the last five years, British policing has plenty of examples of veering off course.

We’ve seen Cheshire Constabulary found guilty of discrimination on the basis of not just race, but sexual orientation and sex too. The force rejected a prospective police officer because he was – put simply – a white heterosexual man.

The British Transport Police is funding a scholarship covering the tuition and living costs of a three-year degree in law at King’s College London. It’s worth £75,000 to the lucky recipient – who must be of black heritage – and who is expected to use their degree “to fight injustice”.'

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