UK: The riots aren’t just a ‘far-right’ problem – they’re a ‘man’ problem

Article here. Excerpt:

'To most of us, looking on in horror at what is currently happening on the streets of otherwise tranquil towns in the UK, the sheer incomprehensibility of the violence threatens to overwhelm any hope of rational understanding.

No wonder, then, that the usual (loudmouthed) suspects are lining up in the hope of “explaining” why it is that thousands of young and not-so-young men are rampaging down your local high street on a summer afternoon. And sure, these men can be condemned as “fascists”, “criminals” and “thugs”, but that reductive labelling doesn’t help much. It makes them appear different to the rest of us – when in fact, they are not.'


The women involved in far-right riots across UK as social media awash with hate speech

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