White Men Attempt Rare Nonthreatening Gathering for Kamala Harris

Article here. Excerpt:

'In the course of human history, politically oriented gatherings of white people have not typically been a sign of “fun.” Gatherings of white men in particular have historically cultivated an ominous vibe: think the Unite the Right rally, many European land wars, English football hooligans, or Congress. Basically, unless you’re at a Phish concert, seeing a bunch of white guys on a mission can be an unsettling thing. But Democratic organizer Ross Morales Rocketto decided something needed to be done to activate white dudes for the sake of progressive politics, so he set up an online rally called “White Dudes for Harris” that took place July 29. “What we are really trying to do is engage a group of people whom the left has largely ignored for the last few years,” he told the New York Times. “There’s a silent majority of white men who aren’t MAGA Republicans, and we haven’t done anything to try to capture those votes.”'

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