Australia: New project will help teachers tackle toxic masculinity in schools

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'Toxic masculinity and misogynistic gender narratives are gaining traction online and in Australian classrooms, threatening gender equality and contributing to gender-based violence. A new project from Monash University aims to support secondary school teachers to tackle the influence of these harmful online ideologies on young boys and men.

The two year project, funded by Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS), will see a collaboration between Monash Arts and Education Faculties to establish school-based early intervention programs to identify and tackle the harms of online misogyny and gender-based violence in schools.

The project will involve three phases over 18 months. The first phase involves in-depth research into the influence of manosphere content on Australian boys and young men. This data will guide focus groups with young Australians to explore their interactions with manosphere content both online and offline.

In the second phase, workshops with secondary school staff across Australia will identify the most effective content and delivery methods for a new pilot professional learning program addressing the manosphere's classroom impact. The final phase will pilot and evaluate this program with teachers, ensuring it meets their needs and effectively combats toxic masculinity in schools.'

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