Feminism’s Patriarchs: An Ideological Response to the Failures of Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'It is easy to identify many of the prominent feminist women throughout history—Mary Wollstonecraft, Betty Friedan, and Judith Butler—yet it is men, beginning with Charles Fourier, who have directed many of feminism’s key developments. Indeed, what is often called “feminism” cannot be separated from ideologically driven men who saw an opportunity to take advantage of or to cultivate detached and vulnerable women ripe for redirection toward their own social and political goals.
Over time, a movement that claimed to strive for equality between men and women unmasked itself as a movement that sought to make women like men, and even deny the reality of meaningful biological differences altogether. While this is obvious in second-wave and third-wave feminism, these beliefs were present from the beginning of first-wave feminism, too.'

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Men in feminist circles are just asking for it. I mean, the leaders of this movement are fine with such actions as reducing men to 10% of the pop'n and keeping them herded together and w/ no rights to speak of. It's just a question of WHEN they're going to turn on you.

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