Title IX will apply to college athlete revenue share, feds say

Article here. Excerpt:

'Without direction from the federal government, athletic departments will have to decide how to allocate the new revenue share money between men and women. Administrators will have to choose between paying a higher portion to men, risking potential lawsuits, or equally sharing revenue with men and women, risking falling behind competitors in football recruiting.
When it comes to revenue share dollars provided directly by the schools, athletic department officials have told ESPN they don't know whether they must give a proportionally equal amount of money to men and women or if equitable treatment means that they can allocate the roughly $20 million based on each athlete's value in the NIL market.

If schools decide to view the new revenue sharing money as financial aid akin to the scholarships or cost-of-living stipends they already provide to athletes, roughly half of that money will need to go to women athletes on most campuses. In that case, a football team would collectively receive, at most, $10 million in revenue share -- or even less at schools that want to be competitive in basketball or other men's sports.'

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