Spain: Why Antifeminism Is Spreading Among Gen Z

Article here. Excerpt:

'Are today’s young people more sexist? Are we on the brink of, or already experiencing, a backlash against feminist values? Can men’s problems be reduced to a crisis of masculinity? Many social scientists agree that an increasing number of young men are mired in discomfort, in a crisis that challenges their identity, self-esteem and the value of their interpersonal relationships.

Equality between the sexes is a historical novelty. The narrative about female oppression and gender inequality often looks to the past. Simone de Beauvoir wrote in The Second Sex, published in 1949, "Men’s economic privilege, their social value, the prestige of marriage, the usefulness of masculine support — all these encourage women to ardently want to please men. They are on the whole still in a state of serfdom. It follows that woman knows and chooses herself not as she exists for herself but as man defines her."'

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