Are Young Men Really Becoming More Sexist?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Nearly 25 years ago, two prominent political scientists formally discovered a political gender gap. It had been an “established orthodoxy in political science” that women in advanced Western democracies were more right-wing than their male counterparts. But when Ronald Inglehart and Pippa Norris examined more than 60 countries across the world, they found that from the early 1980s to the mid-1990s, women had been moving to the left. They predicted that this gender split would continue to grow, with women moving even further left in the future.

But the modern-day focus on this split is increasingly on the radicalization of young men—are they moving further to the right?

All around the world—from Poland, where the far-right party supported a total ban on abortion, to South Korea, where the #MeToo movement sparked a fierce backlash—political commentators are raising questions about whether young men are becoming less liberal and less gender egalitarian than their fathers and grandfathers.

It’s too soon to make any final judgments, and many of these data points about young men and their interest in the far right aren’t substantial enough to be more than suggestive. But just because we don’t have the gold standard of randomized, controlled trials that scholars like to have before saying anything definitively, it doesn’t mean there’s nothing to be learned about the topic.'

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Young men are no different. Notice to be conservative in the author's mind is to be sexist.

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