Travelers With Domestic Violence Charges Are Now Banned From Australia

Article here. Excerpt:

'In the past, Australia has denied travel visas to R&B singer Chris Brown and boxing star Floyd Mayweather due to domestic violence convictions. They’re taking this stand against domestic violence one step further by barring any visitor with a domestic violence charge against women or children from entering Australia.

The law came into effect on Feb. 28 and applies to all offenders regardless of where they’re from, where they committed the crime or what their sentence was. In addition, anyone who is currently visiting or living in Australia on a visa and has a record of domestic violence will be kicked out.

The new laws add to existing legislation that withholds or removes visitor visas if the visa holder has been sentenced to 12 months or more in jail.

Immigration Minister David Coleman said in a public statement that, "If you've been convicted of a violent crime against women or children, you are not welcome in this country."'

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