Scotland: Maggie Chapman suggests only 'wealthy white men' benefit from upgrading roads and reducing journey times between cities

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Scottish Greens MSP was heckled at Holyrood after calling for NO new road upgrades in Scotland, despite representing a community which has been crying out for one. Highlands MSP Ariane Burgess called on public transport improvements instead.

And her colleague Maggie Chapman even suggested that "road building is a subsidy for wealthy, usually white men who are the main beneficiaries of reducing journey times between cities."

The Scottish Tories brought in a debate about the current poor state of roads across the country, including the pothole scarred city routes. They blamed "17 years of SNP neglect, underfunding and broken promises" for this situation, which includes the A9 dualling being delayed by a decade.

When in the Scottish Government, the Greens were blamed for various delays on the A9 and also the A96, with the SNP repeatedly denying the Bute House Agreement was the reason for this. But the mask slipped on Wednesday as Ms Burgess ranted about the need to save money and not upgrade the roads.'

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This Maggie Chapman person is as dumb as a post. Anyway, civilizations rise and fall with their roads. Neglect the roads and you're discarding one of the foundational functions of gov't: keeping the roads in working shape.

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