French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal accused of 'definition of mansplaining' for interrupting Valerie Hayer debate

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'French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal has been accused of mansplaining after interrupting a radio debate in which his fellow party member was speaking.

The prime minister made a surprise appearance at France Info on Monday, appearing on stage next to Valerie Hayer, candidate for the upcoming European Parliament elections on June 9.

Ms Hayer, of the presidential Renew party, was taking part in a debate with lead candidates when Mr Attal interrupted an exchange with the anchor.

LFI MP Raquel Garrido called the incident "mansplaining or, to be more precise, manterrupting".

But writing on X, Ms Hayer lashed out at opponents accusing Mr Attal of sexism.

"Instrumentalising the feminist cause only harms it. Real sexism is believing you can think for me," she wrote, adding she was "proud" to have Mr Attal "by my side" in the campaign.

Three-time RN presidential candidate Marine Le Pen called the incident "truly shameful" adding that Mr Attal would "have never allowed that if the candidate was a man".'

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Using accusations of sexism is itself sexist when said accusations are utter bullspit.

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