Melinda French Gates invests in boys and men: a new era for gender equality

Article here. Hard to believe but here it is. Excerpt:

'As part of this new effort, French Gates has created some dedicated grantmaking funds. As she writes in the New York Times: “I offered 12 people whose work I admire their own $20 million grant-making fund to distribute as he or she sees fit.”
What should advocates for gender equality make of these facts? Until recently, the standard response has been to ignore them, on the grounds that gender equality is exclusively a women’s issue. This is a mistaken approach. If gender gaps matter, they matter in both directions. Excluding boys and men also makes it easier for reactionary voices to claim that gender equality is in conflict with the interests of boys and men.

Most impressive of all, the Norwegian Government’s Men’s Equality Commission recently published its final report, Equality’s Next Step, after two years of work. It contains a raft of sensible policy recommendations, including more dedicated paid leave for fathers, a gender-neutral equality law, and the creation of a Men’s Health Committee. The report breaks out of zero-sum thinking, insisting, correctly, that “greater attention to boys' and men's challenges will strengthen equality policy, not weaken it.”'

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... how she got that money in the first place: Bill never made her sign a pre-nup.

Nonetheless, this is progress, finally, albeit from an unexpected quarter. Up til now Melinda's been a feminist's wet dream when it comes to who or what she funds.

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