Bucks County woman's false accusation could stop sex assault victims from coming forward: officials

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'A 20-year-old woman is out on bail after investigators say she admitted to lying about an attempted rape and kidnapping in the parking lot of a grocery store in Middletown last month.

The father of the man accused told FOX 29's Kelly Rule that the whole ordeal has been horrible not only for his son, but for the entire family.

There’s also an impact on the community, and on how current and future victims of sexual assault crimes feel about coming forward.

"It’s a horrible thing to make up, horrible."

According to court documents, Urumova gave police a description of a man's truck and identified him as her attacker back in April.

But when confronted by detectives on Friday, officials say she admitted to lying about the attempted rape and kidnapping.

She said she named him because she had previously seen him and his truck in the shopping center and thought he was "creepy," court documents state.

The man was originally charged with multiple felonies and spent 31 days in jail. He has since been freed, and all charges withdrawn.'

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