HS teacher gets 13 years for having sex multiple times with student

Article here. Excerpt:

'A former high school teacher will spend 13 years in prison after she pleaded guilty to having sex with a student as many as 30 times, including once on a school field trip to Washington DC.

Heather Hare, 33, was a family consumer science teacher at Bryant High School in Little Rock, Arkansas. Her relationship with the student occurred between August 2021 and April 2022.

Investigators found that Hare had sex with the student in her car, her home and even in her classroom. The student was a senior at the time. They first encountered each other, she was assigned to give him one on one counseling.

At one point, the teacher confessed to the teen that she fantasized about them having sex at the home that she shared with her husband and young daughter.'

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... this from Down Under: https://news.mensactivism.org/?q=node/36823

Maybe we should ban female teachers from teaching boys or having anything to do with boys in schools. After all, if even .0001% of female teachers are banging their students, we maybe should ban them entirely from contact with male students. Fair's fair, right?

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