NCFM Files Complaint on the 107th Anniversary of the Selective Service System

Article here. Excerpt:

'NCFM is commemorating the 107th Anniversary of the Selective Service System; the law requiring
male citizens to register for the military draft by the age of eighteen, by filing a Complaint in the
Central District of California. The Complaint requests that the court deem the mandatory
registration of male citizens and immigrants a violation of Equal Protection under the Fifth
Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, as it is unlawful discrimination on the basis of sex.

Along with NCFM, five other individual plaintiffs joined the lawsuit. Twenty-year old plaintiff Jordan
Falcon stated that he, “ was opposed to bias conscription and does not like the idea of being sent
to war based upon his gender.” Tyler McNamara, Conor McKiernan, Nicholas Milillo, and Nicolas
Mendiola are fervent supporters of the equal treatment of all sexes.

NCFM filed a similar Complaint on April 6, 2013. That matter went to the U.S. Supreme Court and
on June 7, 2021, their Writ for Certiorari was denied. Justice Sotomayor stated, ““But at least for
now, the Court’s longstanding deference to Congress on matters of national defense and military
affairs cautions against granting review while Congress actively weighs the issue.”'

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