Biden's DHS funds grant at Arizona State's McCain Institute to undermine 'manosphere,' claims anti-feminist ideas are a terrorist threat

Article here. Excerpt:

'Biden's Department of Homeland Security under DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has a granting program in place to fund "targeted violence and terrorism prevention." While that title would indicate that the grant is in line with the mission of DHS, in practice, the goal of this $20 million granting program was, in part, to prevent the "radicalization of men" and to "divert them away" from online "misogyny."

Hatred of masculinity and masculine tendencies are at the core of the kind of feminism DHS is pushing on the public with the funding of this grant. Congress has scheduled a hearing on to discuss the impeachment of Mayorkas for early January. This grant is among many funded by DHS to research online discourse, to the tune of millions of dollars.'

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