Protecting Our Sons: Navigating a Radical Feminist Culture

Article here. Excerpt:

'I dedicated 13 years of my life to public, private, and higher education. As a teacher, I continuously witnessed male disengagement with curriculum that was heavily slanted toward female students across multiple school districts.

This shouldn’t be surprising given that only 23% of American K-12 teachers identified as male in 2021 (NCES, 2023) despite the fact that an estimated 51.4% of students enrolled in public schools are male (ACS 2017-2021 survey).

In addition, males are overrepresented in school punishment, dropout rates, academic delinquency and, ultimately, criminal offenses in what is commonly called the School-To-Prison Pipeline. The drop in male enrollment in higher education institutions has become known as the “Male College Crisis.” While there are many reasons for male disinterest education, it would be naïve to assume that a social climate which devalues males outside the classroom would be significantly supportive of males within the classroom.

In some cases, this is the result of unconscious bias in an overwhelmingly educational female workforce. While teaching in an urban school district with a strong amount of gang pressure, I walked past an open classroom door in time to hear a teacher yell at a male student in front of his peers.

“You’re just like my husband,” she said. “You never listen to a word I say!”'

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This article was mostly well written, except for the part that implied that it's just men that commit domestic violence against women. It works both ways and it's the violence against men that's portrayed as acceptable in the mainstream media.

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