Emotional intelligence may be the key to reducing toxic masculinity at work

Article here. Excerpt:

'Studies have repeatedly shown that masculinity can be dangerously fragile.

For instance, Harvard conducted a series of studies of men and women, looking at how failing to live up to masculine and feminine stereotypes impacted their work. They found that men who experienced threats to their masculine stereotypes were more likely to engage in harmful behavior such as withholding help, mistreating coworkers, stealing company property, and lying for their own benefit. While women who experienced threats to their femininity were not happy about it, they were unlikely to act out in harmful behavior.
Another critical element of emotional intelligence, self-awareness, can play a crucial role in reducing male toxicity. By promoting self-reflection and introspection, emotional intelligence encourages men to recognize and confront their own biases, privileges, and harmful attitudes. It allows them to understand the impact of their actions on others and promotes personal growth.'

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