In Biden's America, Black men and boys have little chance for success

Article here. Excerpt:

'New research shows that 38% of the people in prison are Black, despite making up barely 14% of the U.S. population. The problem isn’t "systemic racism," as Democrats so quickly claim. (After all, there are significantly more White Americans in prison.) The problem is fatherlessness, and it has been that way for decades.

America is suffering through an epidemic of fatherlessness. It is our nation’s top domestic problem, given the residual consequences such as crime. While a lack of fathers can afflict all American households, including White households, it is a particularly severe phenomenon in the Black community.

Nearly 70% of Black kids begin their lives in households with unmarried mothers. In 1965, the percentage of Black kids born out of wedlock was 25%, a number considered so alarming at the time that it prompted then-Assistant Secretary of Labor Daniel Patrick Moynihan to publish his now-controversial report: "The Negro Family: The Case for National Action." (Today, the percentage of White children born out of wedlock is nearly 30%.)'

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