Dominique Magazine

Stumbled across an online magazine today called "Dominique Magazine". It's unabashedly pro-male and fights misandry. One example article is here. Excerpt:

'In the modern era of women (and men) celebrating and championing women’s liberation, independence, and ongoing quest for equality, it seems we’re shifting from fighting on behalf of women to blaming every nearby man for a woman’s problem.

Week after week, you will find online and in public, some women being unaccountable for their actions that were done by her hand, but despite not needing a man, not bowing down to a man, she will still find a way to blame a man for said problem.

Back in the day, the conversation on relationships centered heavily on women exercising their options of either skipping being a mother and wife to now lambasting a growing number of single men. Before, the rise of single men was embraced because of the rallying cry, ‘Women are wanting more; women are in a position to want, not need a man.’

Yes, she has a car, home, business, career, degree, money, credit, and other resources that previously one had to marry to obtain. However, there are cases where women choose occupations that will, by default, have them as the more significant income earner than most men should consider to date.

As quiet as it’s kept, many men welcomed the new day, the MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) crew led the checking out of men who didn’t want fatherhood or being a husband. They want to simply live life as they please without the responsibilities of other bodies. These men are not broke basement dwellers, as some want you to believe. They are not sitting online all day berating and criticizing women, as popular belief would lead you to think. They are doing them.'

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