Teachers speak out as Jordan Peterson and Andrew Tate become 'idols' for many young Australian men

Article here. Excerpt:

'Australian teachers have fired up over male students expressing their support for controversial social media personalities in the classroom.

One Perth teacher recently took to Reddit to ask: 'The high school I teach at has seen a huge increase in boys idolising Jordan Peterson and Andrew Tate; how are schools addressing this?'
Some argued that while they didn't necessarily support their views, they were filling a gap for young boys.

'Kids get bombarded with messages about woman's rights, minority's rights, LBGT rights and indigenous rights. None of these are bad, but can be overwhelming. We need to provide them something other than these guys to latch onto,' one said.

Another said: 'Some teachers have extreme views and force them on kids. If people stopped telling young boys they're the problem then they'll stop seeking people like this.'

A third added: 'With all the hate thrown at males, and all the blame on everything 'patriarchy' can you really not see why young, impressionable and vulnerable kids are looking for heroes where they can?''

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