Yvonne Nelson cuts ties with mother over paternity fraud

Story here. Excerpt:

'The truth came to light through her newly released book, I Am Not Yvonne Nelson, where she shared her struggles and experiences.

One of the major revelations in the book revolves around Nelson's uncertainty regarding her biological father's identity.

She disclosed that her mother has deliberately kept his identity a secret, leaving her in the dark. This left the actress questioning her own lineage and feeling disconnected from her true roots.

The 37-year-old actress made a startling claim that her alleged father, Oko Nelson, is not her biological father.

This led her to question her entire family history and made her realise that she has been carrying the wrong last name all along.

Internet user, Sel The Bomb who delved into the book's contents disclosed that the actress had never met her father and that she is currently estranged from her mother due to this issue.

It was revealed that her mother had misled her regarding his paternity, which led her to unknowingly portray him in a negative light during interviews and public comments.

Unfortunately, Yvonne Nelson's mother only disclosed the truth about her real father when he was already ill, and by the time she attempted to apologise, he had passed away in 2017.'

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