With an eye on working families, Democrats launch the Congressional Dads Caucus

Article here. Excerpt:

'Women — even those in Congress — are often the ones who take on many parenting responsibilities. Surveys conducted by the Pew Research Center prior to the COVID-19 pandemic found that women were more likely than their spouses to say they carried more of the load when it came to parenting. In another Pew survey conducted in October 2020, a few months into the pandemic, working moms were more likely than working dads to say their work-life balance had gotten harder since the start of the pandemic.

"Dads need to do our part in advancing policies that will make a difference in the lives of so many parents across the country," Gomez said.

Texas Rep. Joaquin Castro, who joined Gomez in forming the caucus, said men have a role to play in supporting policies that help working families.

"(Women legislators) deserve an extraordinary amount of credit, but they should also be able to count on male legislators to be partners in their fight from the beginning," Castro said.'

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