Only half of the women who are outearning their husbands are taking the lead on household expenses, UBS says

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'More and more women are the primary earners in heterosexual relationships in the U.S., an enormous shift in household financial dynamics from even a few decades ago. But traditional thinking about money and relationships hasn’t changed much, according to a new report, and that could continue to hold women back.

Around 30% of U.S. women in heterosexual couples earn more income than their spouse or partner, according to UBS’s 2023 Own Your Worth report. But just half of those women breadwinners take the lead on financial responsibilities in their households, compared to 79% of men in the same position. And women who earn more are also less engaged in short- and long-term financial decisions, and feel less knowledgeable about investing than men.

Women are also much less likely than men to say financial decision-making is “natural” for them. Less than half—49%—of women primary earners in heterosexual relationships say they prefer that arrangement, compared to 87% of men breadwinners.'

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