Our Society Reviles the Group It Most Depends On: Men. This Father's Day, Thank the Men Around You

Article here. Excerpt:

'In the never-ending battle of the sexes, women tend to be the front line. Whether you're on the Left or the Right or dead in the center, a woman's place in society is a frequent and contested topic of conversation. But these days, men and boys are suffering in a multitude of ways. While everyone has been busy asking, "What is a woman," men began to suffer from higher rates of suicide and lower educational achievement. Maybe it's time to ask, what is a man?

Nowadays, many women and even quite a few men would answer that question using mainly negative adjectives: toxic, violent, insensitive, privileged, crude and useless. Last month, Jane Fonda said summarized this position nicely at an event Cannes during which she said, "We have to arrest and jail those men. There would be no climate crisis if there was no patriarchy." There would also be no military—which some seem to think is the point. "I really don't need to see loads useless white male pilots," a recruiter at the Royal Air Force—yes, the same organization that flew deadly missions over Europe to defeat Nazism—wrote in an email.

Negative messaging about men is now everywhere in our culture. But though it's in vogue to denounce men as toxic and useless criminals, the truth is none of us would be here enjoying the benefits of a rich, safe, and comparatively luxurious society without the often backbreaking, dangerous, dirty, and unremarked-upon labor of men. In other words, the very functioning of our society depends upon some of its most reviled members.'

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