Fintech Leaders Unite To Advance Gender Parity, Reverse Climate Change

Article here. Excerpt:

'The recent smoky air in New York City caused by Canadian wildfires is a stark reminder to fintech leaders of their role in addressing pressing global issues such as gender parity, financial inclusion, and climate change.

These issues are intrinsically interconnected, and fintech tools have emerged as critical catalysts for progress. All three global matters came to a head during Women's World Banking's Making Finance Work For Women Summit in Mumbai, India, which I attended last month.

Leaders worldwide gathered for two days to discuss how fintech can promote women's economic power, a critical step in the fight against climate change.
"Women will still be lagging behind men when your daughter's daughter's daughter's daughter's daughter is born," said Mary Ellen Iskenderian, President and CEO of Women's World Banking, during the summit. "I'm too impatient for that."'

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