Testosterone levels ‘plummeting’ in young men

Article here. Up-side: Hard to do much with men militarily if they have low T. I mean, most of us with it would wash out of basic, drafted or not. :) Seriously, this is a real big problem for our species but I'm inclined more to blame it on endocrine disruptor chemicals in the environment versus porn and video games. Excerpt:

'FROM London to Los Angeles, an increasing number of young men are retreating from society, isolating themselves for extended periods.

When asked about their feelings of loneliness, men are more likely to report feeling socially isolated than women.

Some have suggested that changing norms and expectations are to blame.

Others have suggested that some young men are uncomfortable with how masculinity is being reimagined, reshaped, and redefined.

This discomfort, they argue, has created a profound sense of uncertainty and unease.

But are plummeting testosterone levels playing a role in young men’s desire to separate themselves from society?'

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