Boys are struggling in schools. Maybe the one-size-fits-all education system is the problem

Article here. Excerpt:

'One common challenge for boys involves their energetic behavior. They receive a disproportionally higher number of punishments for perceived inattention and hyperactivity, according to a report from the American Psychological Association.

But parents question whether these punishments are justified in the face of boys’ desire to move around, especially if they’re required to sit at a desk for long intervals.

For example, Ivana Greco received reports from her son’s kindergarten teacher that he had trouble sitting at his desk.

But once Greco began homeschooling him in second grade, she found he learned best while moving – completing worksheets on the floor, reading upside down on the couch, and jumping rope before a math lesson.

“Is part of the problem faced by boys not precisely maturity, but rather the inability of most schools to accommodate little boys’ need to run, skip, and climb?” she wrote. “Many of these wiggly children are equally able to learn, including by tackling complex subjects. They don’t lag in their ability to comprehend — rather, they lag in their ability to stay seated at a desk.”

Dr. Leonard Sax, author of “Boys Adrift,” goes further to argue schools should take more responsibility for their role in alienating boys from education altogether.'

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