'Not proven' verdict will be abolished for rape cases and defendants will face juryless trials amid sweeping justice reforms in Scotland

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'Sweeping justice reforms will see the abolition of the controversial not proven verdict – and a plan to introduce juryless rape trials.

In the biggest shake-up of the legal system for decades, the centuries-old third option for jurors will be axed in a bid to increase Scotland's low rape conviction rate.

As part of the changes, victims will have their own 'tsar' to stand up for their rights – and a specialist sex crimes court will be set up.

Anti-rape campaigners welcomed the new Bill but the proposed legislation has sparked a backlash among lawyers and opposition politicians over the potential erosion of key cornerstones of the Scottish justice system.

Sandy Brindley, chief executive of Rape Crisis Scotland, said: 'There is a huge amount of research and evidence to suggest that these steps will not only make engaging with the justice system easier for survivors but lead to more justice being done.''

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