Putin signs a tough new military draft law, banning conscripts from fleeing Russia

Article here. Excerpt:

'On a basic level, the new law makes it very difficult for Russians — mostly men but also women with specialized skills — to avoid being drafted or conscripted.

Until now, military recruitment officers have had to go in person to deliver a paper summons to a draftee's home or workplace.

That system will now be supplanted by electronic notifications — i.e. emails — issued through systems including the web portals that Russians use to pay their utility bills, taxes and other services.

The electronic notification will be binding from the moment the government hits send.

And with the new law, draftees are immediately banned from leaving the country.

Those who fail to show up at a recruitment office promptly will soon face a raft of new restrictions related to banking, selling property and even gaining access to a driver's license.

Already before the reform, people who refused orders to serve in the military have faced a possible prison sentence of up to 10 years.'

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