The war on ‘toxic masculinity’ makes struggling boys, men prey for Andrew Tate

Article here. Excerpt:

'The answer may be that boys have been left to fail.

Although our society has been rightfully concerned with the advancement of girls and women over the past several decades, we’ve simultaneously ignored glaring warning signs that something is wrong with boys.

On educational, economic and health metrics alike, they’ve been falling further and further behind women.

As parents, partners and friends, we should all be coming together to discuss why our young men and boys are struggling.

But, instead, we find ourselves embroiled in a culture war over toxic masculinity that leaves no one speaking to boys’ plights.

In fact, they’re being beaten over the head with overtly anti-male rhetoric that asserts just about any of society’s ills can be blamed on men.

Headlines like “Toxic Masculinity Is Killing Us” and “Toxic Masculinity Is Costing Us About $15.7 Billion Every Single Year” and book titles like “How to Date Men When You Hate Men” are countless.

Even Scientific American joined the conversation in 2019 with an article entitled “How to Fight Toxic Masculinity,” and the American Psychological Association has declared that “traditional masculinity is psychologically harmful.”'

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