Former OSU football players acquitted of rape charges based on 'consent video' of crying female filmed immediately after incident

Article here. Excerpt:

'Two former football players from The Ohio State University (OSU) were acquitted on rape and kidnapping charges last month based upon a "consent video." The defendants claim they were advised by school officials to film such videos to absolve them of potential rape allegations.

On February 4, 2020, a 19-year-old female OSU student visited the apartment of a fellow OSU student and football player, Amir Reip. When the case was initially reported to Columbus police, the female—whose identity has not been revealed in news coverage—stated that she engaged in consensual sex with Reip but withdrew consent in the middle of the activity.

The key piece of evidence for the jury’s acquittal was a video filmed immediately after the sexual activity concluded. The woman, pictured naked and crying, states in the video that the encounter was consensual, but she later told police that she only said this so Reip and Wint would eventually let her leave the premises.

Both defendants testified that OSU officials had instructed them and other football players to protect themselves against sexual assault allegations by filming videos of their partners describing the consensual nature of their activities.'

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