Hillary Clinton: Ukraine conflict shows climate change primarily affects women

Article here. Excerpt:

'Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Wednesday that women and children are the "primary victims of conflict and climate change" and that the war in Ukraine "shows us that."

"Women and children are the primary victims of conflict and of climate change and there is no place that unfortunately, tragically, shows us that more dramatically than Ukraine today," Clinton told the crowd at the Forbes 30/50 Summit in Abu Dhabi.
During her opening remarks, Clinton said that women have been "dramatically set back" by the COVID-19 pandemic and by "organized pushback to the advancement of women."

"So I think the bottom line is we have a lot of work to do. And we can’t take any of the progress that has been made for granted, because as you said, Mika, with the Dobbs decision and other kinds of organized institutional pushback, we’re seeing a lot of what we did take for granted in terms of rights and opportunities at risk," Clinton said.'

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