Women work harder than men: An anthropological study reveals why

Article here. Excerpt:

'Our first finding was that women worked much harder than men, and contributed most of the fruits of this labor to their families. This was evidenced both by their own reports of how much they worked and by their activity trackers.

Women walked on average just over 12,000 steps per day, while men walked just over 9,000 steps. So men also worked hard, but less so than women. They spent more time in leisure or social activities, or just hanging around and resting.

This may be partly because women are, on average, physically weaker than men, and may thus have reduced bargaining power. But we also found that individuals (be they male or female) who disperse at marriage to live away from their kin have higher workloads than those who stay with their natal families.

So if you are female and move away from home at marriage (as most women do throughout the world), you suffer not just in terms of missing your own family but also in terms of workload. When both sexes disperse and no one lives with their natal families, both sexes work hard (as there is little help from kin)—but the woman still works harder. According to our study, perfect sex equality in workload only occurs in instances where men disperse and women do not.'

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How far you have to walk is only one dimension as to how hard you work. I bet that the men do tasks that are far more physically demanding than those the women do. They also have longer strides, so even if they take fewer steps, they may be walking just as far as the women, if not further. The methofology in this study comes off as being picked with the intention of making women look like victims no matter what.

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