Stanford University Under Investigation For Sex Bias—Against Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'Stanford University is being investigated by the Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights (OCR) for bias against men. According to the complaint filed with the OCR, the elite school offers several programs to support women and no equivalents for men. The Stanford women’s programs are just the latest in a long list of university-based women's initiatives under fire for violating regulations that prohibit sex discrimination.

The original claim against Stanford included complaints regarding 27 Stanford programs that Moore and Pekgoz believed violated Title IX. This month, the Office of Civil Rights officially opened an investigation into five of these programs: Stanford's Women in Business, Women in Stanford Law, Stanford Women in Design, Stanford Society of Women Engineers and the Gabilan Provost's Discretionary Fund.

Pekgoz and Moore claimed that the four organizations are illegal because their names imply they exclude men, all their members are women, and Stanford offers no similar support programs for men. Their beef with the provost's fund is that it supports the hiring and retention of female faculty, but not male faculty, in the sciences and engineering. Stanford University did not respond to requests for comment about the allegations.'

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