Boys’ clubs under siege

Article here. Excerpt:

'Why do so many women have it in for male cyclists? All the jokes about unsightly middle-aged men in Lycra, complaints about tight clothing revealing everything it shouldn’t… It seems there’s growing female irritation with blokes getting up at the crack of dawn, gathering in large packs to go through their paces, and sitting around in coffee shops having a manly chat. How dare they have so much fun?

I’m wondering if this is just one more activity that traditionally attracts men – a boys’ club – which women resent and want to take over. It reminds me of covetous children. Haven’t we all witnessed kids who have no interest in a toy or activity until it attracts the attention of another child, particularly a sibling? Then the battle is on, as the first child seeks what the other one has.

Women seem endlessly to covet things that give men a thrill. They love to take over activities previously reserved for males – determined that men shouldn’t be allowed to enjoy anything that was traditionally their territory. Everywhere there are women making the case that men should be forced to share their toys.'

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