Painting of old white men smoking cigars taken down after female scholar complains

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'A painting of old white men smoking cigars by acclaimed contemporary Dutch painter Rein Dool has been taken down at Leiden University in the Netherlands, reportedly the result of a complaint by a female grad student.

Dutch News reported that the painting, which depicts university board members from the mid-1970s, “was taken off the wall following a remark by political scientist Elina Zorina on Twitter, suggesting the painting needed an ‘ironic or critical’ explanatory note.”

Zorina is listed on the university’s website as a PhD candidate at the Institute of Political Science.

The painting’s removal was documented by Joanne van der Leun, a professor of criminology and dean of Leiden Law School.

It “remains in the room facing the wall while a decision is taken about what to do with it. The university has also said the removal was not done officially,” Dutch News reported.

The removal of the painting prompted plenty of pushback.'

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White men: exist
Feminists: reeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

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